Real Time News Feed Selection

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Real Time News Feed Selection

You can select the news sources that display in the Real Time News window by logging on to Journalytix, and clicking on "Account Settings":




Click the "Real Time News" tab and you will find the settings.


News Reader Settings


An automated news reader will read out inbound news in the real time feed. This can be switch on here or in the day overview. You can choose a voice, the pitch (speed) and the volume. The latest news headline will appear in the large box. You can click "Test Speech" to read that headline with the selected settings. You can also type in your own sentences there to see how they sound.





Block News Feeds


By default all news stories are displayed. Some tend to have a bit more 'fluff' than other outlets, NY Post being a good example. On this page, you simply check to block the sources you don't want to see. As we add sources, they will appear here. By default, new sources will appear.

